Suzette Walden Cole, Ph.D.

Prior to transitioning to the role of full-time consultant in 2013, Dr. Walden Cole (she/they) worked in higher education for 15 years. Dr. Walden Cole spent her last few years on campus as the Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. In her current capacity, Dr. Walden Cole is a global educator, having worked with audiences from across Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and North America. Dr. Walden Cole’s level of self-reflection, global awareness, and willingness to be vulnerable with clients make her a brilliant choice as a partner. Dr. Suzette works with educational institutions and corporate and non-profit organizations to address change management; organizational culture development; leadership; justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI); coaching; and cultivating high
performing teams with their leaders in transformational experiences. Participants consistently provide feedback about the care and consideration that Dr. Suzette provides and the environment she works to create.
Additionally, Dr. Suzette is an award-winning curriculum designer. She works to produce high quality facilitation guides, accompanying audio visual aids, and participant materials. She works to ensure that selected facilitators understand the nuances of the curriculum she designs to ensure the efficacy and integrity of the programming. Dr. Suzette's attention to detail and vision for the projects is why her curriculum has been used with global companies and college students worldwide.
Dr. Suzette is certified in conflict resolution specializing in restorative justice and addressing equity, inclusion, and diversity (EID). Dr. Suzette holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with minors in English and Communication from Mercer University in Macon, GA, and a Master of Education in College Student Personnel Administration with an emphasis in Higher Education Administration from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. Suzette went on to earn her Doctor of Philosophy in the Educational Administration and Foundations at Illinois State University in Normal, IL.